Cetacean Research™ CR3-200-SP
Hydrophone System
The Cetacean Research™ CR3-200-SP is a broadband and portable underwater noise recording, measurement, and analysis system when interfaced with your Windows laptop. With a linear frequency response from 25Hz to 92kHz (usable from 10Hz to 93kHz), this system provides recording, as well as real-time and post-processing analysis of audio-band and ultrasonic underwater signals and noise.
Because this system can withstand very large signals without overloading (up to 230dB), it is ideal for measuring extremely loud noises such as those produced by pile drivers, air guns, low-frequency and mid-range sonar, and explosives.
The system includes...
- One (or two) spot calibrated, broadband, omnidirectional Cetacean Research™ CR3 hydrophone(s)
- One SpectraDAQ-200 calibrated USB computer interface
- SpectraPLUS analysis software

Contact us for detailed specifications and pricing.
Specifications and pricing subject to change without notice.