Cetacean Research™ C75-200-SP
Hydrophone System
The Cetacean Research™ C75-200-SP becomes a powerful and totally portable underwater noise recording, measurement and analysis system when interfaced with your laptop.
This system provides recording, as well as real-time and post-processing analysis of audio-band underwater signals and noise. Our C75-200-SP is a portable, self-contained system designed specifically to record underwater sounds while simultaneously monitoring and logging sound pressure levels and other sound level parameters.
The Cetacean Research™ C75-200-SP system includes...
- our ultra-broadband, omnidirectional, calibrated Cetacean Research™ C75 hydrophone
- the SpectraDAQ-200 calibrated USB computer interface
- and SpectraPLUS analysis software.
Looking for the Cetacean Research™ C57-1400ENV? The Cetacean Research™ C75-200-SP hydrophone system replaces it. This system is also available with the Cetacean Research™ C57 hydrophone or Cetacean Research™ C305 hydrophone upon request.
Contact us for detailed specifications and pricing.
Specifications and pricing subject to change without notice.